1981 | Four models for Evangelism | Skrif en Kerk 2 |
1982 | Theological perspectives on 'Gemeindeaufbau ' | Skrif en Kerk 2 |
1983 | Ministry structures - a program for renewal | Die Kerk se Werk (PTWSA) |
1983 | Youth evangelism | N G T T |
1984 | Integrating Youth into the full life and work of the church - in worship (E) | RES Youth Conference, Chicago |
1985 | Modern developments in the area of Catechetics | Die Kerk se Werk (PTWSA) |
1985 | Renewal in Catechetics and Youth Ministry | Skrif en Kerk 2 |
1986 | Positive motivation of the youth to become involved in society | N G T T |
1987 | The relation "Gemeindeaufbau" to the other disciplines of the subject Practical Theology and other theological subjects | Praktiese Teologie in Suid-Afrika 2 |
1987 | An Evangelism perspective on ministry in the local church | Skrif en Kerk 2 |
1990 | The child and the Bible 1 | N G T T |
1991 6(1) | Adriaan Cornelis Barnard | P T in S A |
1991 | The unfinished mission task and the post-Christian person | P T in S A |
1991 6(1) | The relation theory/praxis in Practical Theology | P T in S A |
1991 | The child in the Bible 2 | N G T T |
1992 | Evangelism in S A today (E) | AETE Journal (USA) |
1993 (49) | Teaching the Bible to Teenagers (E) | Scriptura |
1993 8(2) | "Gemeindeaufbau: Dynamics in the process of renewal | P T in S A |
1994 (1/1) | The role of Christian church leaders in the peace process in South Africa (with Bikitsha Njumbuxa and Hennie Pieterse) (E) | Religion & Theology |
1995 10(2) | Continuous theological training and the needs of pastors | P T in S A |
1996 11(1) | Service-evangelism: a style where theology and methodology meet (E) | P T in S A |
1997 12(2) | Basis- and Praxis Theory for Youth Ministry | P T in S A |
1998/99 | Service evangelism: a style where theology and methodology meets (With permission from PTSA) | Int Journal for Evangelism in Theological Education |
1998 13(2) | Building up the local church: a Ministry of Reformation | P T in S A |
1999 20(2) | The purpose of Building up the local church | Skrif en Kerk |
1999 14(2) | Youth Ministry as Practical Theology: making a case for Youth Ministry as an academic discipline (E) | P T in S A |
2000 15(2) | Personal Preaching | P T in S A |
2000 - 2001, Vol 16 | Evangelism in the African Context (E) | Int Journal for Evangelism in Theological Education |
2002 17(1) | The missionary direction of 58 congregations - an empirical study | PT in S A |
2002 23(1) | Calling, training and ordination - a critical look at practices in theological training for ordination | Verbum et Ecclesia |
2002 1(1) | “Serving them back”: Youth evangelism in a secular and postmodern world (E) | Journal of Youth and Theology |
2003 18(1) | Youth Ministry: the challenge of individuation (E) | PTSA |
2003 2(1) | Youth Ministry as Practical Theology: making a case for Youth Ministry as an academic discipline (with permission of PTSA) | Journal of Youth and Theology |
2003 2(3) | Youth Ministry: the challenge of individuation (with permission of PTSA) | The Journal of Youth MInistry |
2004 25(2) | Public Pastoral Leaders 1: Calling, recruiting, reviewing, training and ordination | Verbum et Ecclesia |
2005 4(1) | Why Theology? It is only Youth Ministry (E) | Journal of Youth and Theology |
2005 20(1) | The Interim pastor (with J H H du Toit) | PTSA |
2005 39(3) | Public pastoral leaders. The purpose of theological training | In die Skriflig |
2005 26(2) | Public Pastoral Leaders 2: Calling, recruiting, reviewing, training and ordination | Verbum et Ecclesia |
2006 21(1) | How should churches then live? Holistic congregations as models for church life ( author S G de Claissé-Walford, co-author as PHd promotor) (E) | PTSA |
2006 21(2) | Theologically informed and culturally relevant youth ministry (with CH Thesnaar) | PTSA |
2007 22(1) | Responsible evangelism in the presence of God: A theological reflection | PTSA |
2007 Vol 63, No 2 | Rick Warren, purpose driven en die 40 dae doelgerigte lewe veldtog (author A Ungerer, co-author as Phd promotor) | HTS Theological Studies |
2009 Vol 30, No 2 | Inviting and initiating youth into a life of discipleship (E) | Verbum et Ecclesia |
2009 Vol 30, No 3 | Continuing theological training at the University of Pretoria | Verbum et Ecclesia |
2009 Vol 65, No 1 | Congregational analysis revisited: Empirical approaches (E) | HTS Theological Studies |
2009 Vol 65, No 1 | Congregational analysis: A theological and ministerial approach (E) | HTS Theological Studies |
2010, Vol 66, No 2 | Generation X, intergenerational justice and the renewal of the traditioning process (author C L Seibel, co-author as Phd promotor) (E) | HTS, Section Practical Theology |
2010, Vol 66, No 2 | Die keuring van kandidate vir teologiese opleiding: Noodsaak en toepassing (with F T Cooke) | HTS, Section Practical Theology |
2010, Vol 66, No 2 | Kerkleierskap as bemiddeling van ‘n onmoontlike werklikheid: ‘n Prakties teologiese ondersoek na die rol van leierskap in die transformasie van gemeentes (author F J Labuschagne, co-author as Phd promotor) | HTS, Section Practical Theology |
2011,Vol 67, No 2 | Die verband tussen gemeentebou-prosesse en missionale gemeente-ontwikkeling André G. Ungerer, Malan Nel | HTS, Section Practical Theology |
2011, Vol 67, No 3 | Missionale integriteit en kontekstuele relevansie (Missional integrity and contextual relevancy) | HTS, Section Practical Theology |
2012, Vol 68, No 2 | Building the local church in South Korea through a needs-oriented diaconal ministry author Janghun Yun , co-author as Phd promotor | HTS, Section Practical Theology |
2014 35(2) | Westhof, L.E. & Nel, M., 2014, ‘Belhar: ’n Spiritualiteit van resepsie in die plaaslike gemeente’, Verbum et Ecclesia 35(1), Art. #846, 8 pages. http://dx.doi. org/10.4102/ve.v35i1.846 | Verbum et Ecclesia |
2014 35(2) | Nel, M., 2014, ‘ Perspectives on preaching (in building up missional churches) ’, Verbum et Ecclesia 35(2), Art. #867, 9 pages. http://dx.doi. org/10.4102/ve.v35i2.867 | Verbum et Ecclesia |
2015 | Sonnenberg, P.M., Nel, M., De Kock, A. & Barnard, M., 2015, ‘ Being together in youth worship: An empirical study in Protestant Dutch contexts’ , HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies 71(2), Art. #2832, 10 pages. hts.v71i2.2832 | HTS |
2015 | Nel, M., 2015, ‘ Imagine- making disciples in youth ministry ... that will make disciples’, HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies 71(3), Art. #2940, 11 pages. hts.v71i3.2940 | HTS |
2015 | Nel, M. & Scholtz, E., 2015, ‘ Calling, is there anything special about it? ’, HTS Teologiese Studies/ Theological Studies 72(4), a3183. h p://dx.doi. org/10.4102/hts.v72i4.3183 | HTS |
2015 | Nel, M. & Schoeman, W.J. ‘Empirical research and congregational analysis: some methodological guidelines for the South African context’, 2015 Suppl 22: 85-102 DOI: ISSN 1015-8758 | Acta Theologica |
2016 | Linden, C. & Nel, M., 2016, ‘Recovering core identity, hermeneutical and contextual preaching’ , HTS Teologiese Studies/ Theological Studies 72(3), a3220. http://dx.doi. org/10.4102/hts.v72i3.3220 | HTS |
2017 | Jeon, Byoung-Jae & Nel, M. 2017. ‘ University Examination Stress Syndrome in the South Korean Society: A Challenge to the Youth Ministry’, The Gospel and Practice Vol 42, 243-271. | Korean Society of Evangelical Practical Theology. |
2017 | Nel, M., 2017, Discipleship: The priority of the ‘Kingdom and his righteousness’’ , HTS Teologiese Studies/ Theological Studies 73(4), a4583. h ps:// 10.4102/hts.v73i4.4583 | HTS |
2017 | Nel, M., ‘ Discipleship: Seeking the “Kingdom and his righteousness ”’, HTS Teologiese Studies/ Theological Studies 73(4), a4609. h ps:// 10.4102/hts.v73i4.4609 | HTS |
2017 | Nel, M., Called and sent to make a difference: Radical missionality , Verbum et Ecclesia 38(1), a1755. | Verbum et Ecclesia |
2017 | Aziz, G., Nel, M. & Davis, R ., 2017, ‘The career youth pastor: A contemporary reflection’ , HTS Teologiese Studies/ Theological Studies 73(2), a3856. h ps:// 10.4102/hts.v73i2.3856 | HTS |
2018 | Oppenshaw, D.L., Nel, M. & Louw, L., 2018, ‘ Conflict resolution and reconciliation within congregations’ , HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies 74(2), a4641. | HTSHTS |
2018 | Marais, N., Nel, M., 2018, ‘Integrering en koördinering van bedienings in identiteitsontdekking en -ontwikkeling’, Verbum et Ecclesia 39(1), a1869. | Verbum et Ecclesia |
2018 | Jansen van Rensburg, M.J., Nel, M 2018, ‘ Die opbou van ’n missionale gemeente: ’n Verkenning van die invloed van Godsbegrip en liturgiese ervaring’, In die Skriflig 52(1), a2335. 10.4102/ids.v52i1.2335 | In die Skriflig |
2019 | Nel, M. & Schoeman, W.J., 2019, ‘Rediscovering “disciplemaking” and the role of faith-sharing’, HTS Teologiese Studies/ Theological Studies 75(4), a5119. 10.4102/hts.v75i4.5119 | HTS |
2001, 2002, 2003, 2008 (2x), 2009, 2011, 2012 | Short articles of 1000 words in “Kruisgewys” on leadership, continuing theological training, interim pastors . | Kruisgewys |
2018 | Malan Nel, Book review: Called to Witness: Doing Missional Theology, written by Darrell L. Guder | Ecclesial Practices, 5.1 114-116 |
1980 - 2018 | Reviews on a large number of publications. Published in several national Journals and two international Journals. | |
2019 | Moser, K.A. & Nel, M., 2019, ‘The connection between youth ministry’s division of evangelism and discipleship, and the lack of retention of youth in North American churches’, Verbum et Ecclesia 40(1), a2020. https://doi. org/10.4102/ve.v40i1.2020 | Verbum et Ecclesia |
2019 | Nel, Malan., 2019, ‘Wanneer is prediking goed?’, Stellenbosch Theological Journal Supp 2019, Vol 5, No 2, 405-424. DOI: 2019.v5n2.a21 | Stellenbosch Theological Journal Supp 2019 |
2019 | Nel, Malan, 'Wanneer is Prediking goed?', Stellenbosch Theological Journal Supp. 2019, Vol 5, No 2, 405–424 DOI: 2019.v5n2.a21 Online ISSN 2413-9467 | Print ISSN 2413-9459 | STJ Supplementum |
2020 | Yi, H. & Nel, M., 2020, ‘Father absence and adolescents as a challenge to youth ministry’, In die Skriflig 54(1), a2503. https://doi. org/10.4102/ids.v54i1.2503 | In die Skriflig |
2020 | Tettey, S.F.K. & Nel, M., 2020, ‘Transformational diaconia as educative praxis in care within the present poverty-stricken South African context’, HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies, 76(2), a5666. | HTS |
2020 | Tettey, S.F.K. & Nel, M., 2020, ‘Transformational diaconia as educative praxis in care within the present poverty-stricken South African context’, HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies 76(2), a5666. 10.4102/hts.v76i2.5666 | HTS Theological Studies |
2021 | Avenant, J.C., Nel, M. & Jordaan, J.C., 2021, ‘Die rol van die ouerhuis in die intergenerasionele geloofsvorming van die jeug in belang van ’n geïntegreerde jeugbediening’, Verbum et Ecclesia 42(1), a2250. ve.v42i1.2250 | Verbum et Ecclesia |
2001, 2002, 2003, 2008 (2x), 2009, 2011, 2012 | Short articles of 1000 words in “Kruisgewys” on leadership, continuing theological training, interim pastors . | Kruisgewys |
2018 | Malan Nel, Book review: Called to Witness: Doing Missional Theology, written by Darrell L. Guder | Ecclesial Practices, 5.1 114-116 |
1980 - 2018 | Reviews on a large number of publications. Published in several national Journals and two international Journals. | |
2021 | TETTEY, Smith Francis and NEL, Malan. Discerning the essence and mission of the church in the midst of COVID-19. STJ [online]. 2021, vol.7, n.2 [cited 2021-12-08], pp.1-21. Available from: | SJT |
2022 | Kim, V.S., Nel, M. & Van Eck, E., 2022, ‘A holistic homiletical approach to preaching based on ancient and modern texts’, Verbum et Ecclesia 43(1), a2587. ve.v43i1.2587 | Verbum et Ecclesia |
2022 | " Coetzee, Frikkie, Nel, Malan, Knoetze Hannes. 2022. Ref. No.: 2708 Manuscript title: Evangelism as an invitation to missional discipleship inthe kingdom of God. Journal: Verbum et Ecclesia" | Verbum et Ecclesia |
2022 | Mogoane, M.L., Nel, M. & Dreyer, Y., 2023, ‘Pentecostal preaching and Christology: An empirical study’, HTS Teologiese Studies/ Theological Studies 79(1), a8122. 10.4102/hts.v79i1.8122 | HTS Theological Studies |
2024 | Kemm, N. & Nel, M., 2024, ‘Die bedieningbehoeftes van Afrikaanssprekende universiteitstudente in Suid-Afrika’, HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies 80(1), a9102. https://doi. org/10.4102/hts.v80i1.9102 | HTS Theological Studies |
2024 | Shirley, T.W., Nel, M. & Meyer, E.E. 2024, ‘Building welcoming and inclusive congregations: Biblical hospitality as a theological paradigm’, Verbum et Ecclesia 45(1), a3015. https://doi. org/10.4102/ve.v45i1.3015 | Verbum et Ecclesia |
2024 | Scholtz, J.W., Nel, M. & Beukes, J., 2024, ‘Die bediening aan enkelouergesinne met adolessente: ’n inklusiewe en intergenerasionele uitdaging’, In die Skriflig 58(1), a3033. v58i1.3033 | In die Skriflig |
2024 | Droege, M.W. & Nel, M., 2024, ‘Inclusivity in youth ministry praxis and the challenge of mainline church attrition’, Verbum et Ecclesia 45(1), a3016. https://doi. org/10.4102/ve.v45i1.3016 | Verbum et Ecclesia |