Scientific Books

(Most of my publications were originally written in my first language, namely Afrikaans. However, for the sake of giving a scope of the topics the titles are translated into English. In the case where an article or book was written and published in English it is marked by an (E). In the case where a book was translated from Afrikaans into English it is marked by an (ET)). Some of the books and part of books are also listed under popular, being in both categories of scientific and popular.

1976Diakonia and its method (Ed) (Four out of seven lectures)A J K
1974, 1975, 1977Leaders guide Youth Ministry course (1st, 2nd en 3rd Edit.)A J K
1977Compound Course on Evangelism, Youth Ministry & B/study (Ed.)A J K
1977Manual for the Church  Youth Association A (Co-author and Ed.)A J K
1977God's Son is here (B/study course on Mark. (Author of chapters 3 and 4)Bybelkor
1978I bow my knees (B/study course on Prayer)Bybelkor
1979Guide for the Christian Counsellor (Rev. Edit.)A J K
1980Church member for Christ (Chapters 3 and 4)Bybelkor
1980A to Z Manual for local Youth Committees (Ed) (Rev. Edit.)A J K
1981"The youth - a challenge to the church" in: "Stormkompas" (Eds. Smith, N.J., O'Brien Geldenhuys, F.E., Meiring, P)Tafelberg
1981Two sermons for funerals in: "Om te lewe al sterwe jy" (Ed. A J Greyling)N G K Uitgewers
1982Youth and the GospelN G K B
1984The Church's youth - a response to empirical data (Co-author and Ed.)N G K B
1984"The roll of the church in the prevention of juvenile delinquency" in: Prevention of juvenile delinquency. (A volume of congress lectures)UNISA
1986"Youth evangelism by the local church: in: That My house may be full (Ed. I. R. S.)I R S
1986Building up the church: Theological perspectives (UPTS 2)N G K B
1988Building up the local church: Theological perspective. (ET)N G K B
1988Phases in Building up the local churchN G K B
1988"Offices and Church Youth Ministry" in: Reformed Ministry (Ed. P. J. Rossouw)N G K B
1989"Theological premises in Youth Ministry" in: Manual for Youth Ministry (Ed. L. C. Dressel)A J K
1990"Adriaan Cornelis Barnard" in: Discourse on Worship(Eds. Smuts, A. J., Vos, C. J. A., Nel, M.N G K B
1990"The Worship Service and the world" in: Discourse on Worship (Eds. Smuts, A. J., Vos, C. J. A., Nel, M.)N G K B
1991"The development of the primary School child" in:Teaching 'Biblical Instruction' in the primary school(Eds. De Wet, D. S., Nel, M., De Wet, M.) (E)Orion
1994"The development of teenagers" in Teaching Biblical Studies (Eds. Joubert, Y., Lourens, M., Nel, M.) (E)Orion
1994Building up the local church (Andrew Murray reward for best Theological Literature in Afrikaans 1995)Orion
1996"Gemeindeaufbau and preaching" in Preaching: Communication in context (Ed. Nel, M.)Makro
1997“To believe today” in Faith can make a difference (Ed. Swanepoel, Francois)CB Powell Bible Centre
1998Jeugbediening (Youth Ministry (an inclusive congregational approach)HSRC
1999To live by graceStruik
2000Youth Ministry (ET)Design Books
2001“An inclusive congregational approach” in Four views of youth ministry and the church. Mark Senter III (Ed.)Zondervan (2008, 2nd print, Youth Specialties
2001I am the difference. The impact of personality in preaching.CLF
2002“The Church’s mission for a just society: A ministry of faith, love and hope” in Divine Justice - Human Justice. Dreyer, J S & Van der Ven J A (Eds.)UNISA
2005Who are we? Understanding and finding identity in the local church.Kitskopie
2005God concept and prayerCUM
2006Stories of Hope (Editor)CUM
2015Identity Driven Churches. Who are we and where are we going?Bible Media
2015“The Church” in Skokkend Positief. Inisgte vanuit nuwe navorsing oor aktiewe Afrikaanse Kerkjeug o r v Malan Nel en Zander van der WesthuizenBible Media
2018Youth Ministry. An inclusive missional approachAosis
2016Malan Nel & Kennon L. Callahan. 2016. Bediening in en van Missionale Gemeentes. Gemeentedignose. Die Werkboek.Malan Nel, Kitskopie
2019“Huidige Beleid -Riglyne van die Algemene Sinode” in A Doyer & H du Toit, Brûe vir Gemeentes op pad na God se Toekoms. 31-34CLF
2019“Gemeentelike situasie – assessering ten opsigte van gemeente en gemeenskap” in A Doyer & H du Toit, Brûe vir Gemeentes op pad na God se Toekoms. 57-60CLF
2019Wepener, CJ. en Greyling, A. 2019. Ongekaart: ʼn Bronboek met roetemerkers vir oorgange. 58-64.Bybelmedia
2019“Foreword” in Seibel, C., 2019, The Generative Church, Wipf & Stock, Eugene, Oregon. xi-xv.Wipf & Stock
2021M. Nel (ed.), Mission moves: Cultivating communities of the Gospel (HTS Religion & Society Series Volume 11), pp. xxiii–xxv, AOSIS, Cape Town. BK256.00Aosis
2019Om uit genade te leefStruik Christian Media