Personal Information

Malan Nel was born on February 04, 1939 in the Calvinia district (Cape Province). He is the youngest fof 5 children, two sisters and two brothers. He is indeed a ‘Boemanlander’ – a district known for their way of using Afrikaans and for their humor. He started school in a school his father started on the farm where he grew up. For the sake of having 12 children in the school he was sent to school at an early age and finished his Grade 12 at 16 years of age in the Calvinia Highschool. He turned 17 on the campus of the University of Pretoria where he has just registered for a BSc Civil Engineering. At the end of his first year in this program he had a deep and quiet experience in a worship service that God calls him to become a pastor. Below is a summary of his professional ministerial life after the seven years of training to become a pastor in his tradition (Dutch Reformed).

He is married for 25 years to Marlèse. During a first marriage two sons were born. The eldest one died in 1999. Together he and Marlèse have 8 grand children.

Present occupation

Extra-ordinary Professor, Dept. of Practical Theology, Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria. RSA

Previous occupations

1965 - 1970Pastor, Dutch Reformed Church, Kloofsig
1970 - 1975Director for Ministry and Evangelism
1974Co-leader of an all year Nation wide Youth Evangelism Campaign
1975 - 1977Student pastor, Universiteitsoord, Pretoria
1977 - 1980Director for Youth Ministry, National Synod, D R C
1980 - 1983Senior Lecturer, Practical Theology, D R C, University of Pretoria
1983 - 1988Co-professor, Practical Theology, D R C, University of Pretoria
1983 - 1988Director, Centre for Continuing Theological Training, University of Pretoria
1988Principal Lecturer, Biblical Studies, Vista Univ., Pretoria
1993Head, Division for Contextual Ministry, Department Biblical Studies, Vista University
1994-2001Professor and Head, Division for Contextual Ministry, Dept Religious Studies, Vista University
2002 - 2012Professor and Director, Centre for Contextual Ministry, Faculty Theology, University of Pretoria
2002 -Extra-ordinary Professor, Dept. of Practical Theology, Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria. RSA


1955Std 10, Calvinia, Cape Province
1959BA, University of Pretoria
1963Diploma in Theology, University of Pretoria
1964Candidates Diploma (Cum Laude), University of Pretoria
1982DD, University of Pretoria (Major Doctoral degree of the Faculty)

Subjects for BA degree

Mathematics 1. Physics 1, Chemistry 1, Afrikaans 1B, Sociology 2, Greek 3, Hebrew 3, German 1B (1975)

Subjects for Doctoral studies

Practical Theology (Major), New Testament, Church Polity

Title for Dissertation

Written in Afrikaans. Translated title: Youth evangelism by the Dutch Reformed Church. (A theoretical and practical study against the background of the local church’s ministry and the recognized Youth policy of the D R C).

Is the Doctoral Dissertation published?

Yes. Title: Jeug en Evangelie, (Youth and the Gospel) N G Kerkboekhandel, 1982.


Books and Parts of books44
Devotionals in Daily paper: Beeld104
Articles, Popular-scientific124
Articles, Scientific (national en international)55

Ministry Experience

50 years.